
Acrylic Aquariums

Acrylic aquariums

Acrylic is one of the most resistant and durable materials that offer versatility and functionality. It belongs to the group of plastics that are basically obtained through the polymerisation of methyl methacrylate and can be presented in sheets of different sizes depending on the needs.

The professionals at Polimertecnic can produce aquariums and make special designs that adapt to the dimensions and structures designed to house water inside them.

pt acrylic aquarium

Advantages of acrylic aquariums

Acrylic aquariums are practical and resistant. They are characterised by their durability and have become design products that can be customised, as acrylic is a material that can be moulded and worked according to the user’s needs. Taking into account the dimensions and requirements, it is possible to produce acrylic sheets that allow the creation of a product with a high level of efficiency and durability, very suitable for swimming pools and aquariums.

Acrylic plastic in sheets offers the necessary transparency to allow you to see inside the aquarium and to see the fish in the water. This makes it an optimal material because it is light and easy to handle, regardless of the size of the aquarium. It even offers a high resistance to UV rays and also contributes to the protection of the different aquatic species that can be found inside the aquarium.

It should be noted that acrylic allows light to shine through thanks to its high level of transparency. This factor can be decisive for those aquariums that need natural light or specific lighting while the acrylic plastic is in the way. The material allows protection while ensuring the necessary light penetration for the animals.

On the other hand, acrylic plastic guarantees the safety of the animals and prevents scratching and the development of algae, as well as maintaining optimum temperatures for the aquatic fauna. The idea is that a large container can be created to favour the creation of a comfortable space for the conservation of the water and that these are, in turn, in good condition. It is thus considered a safe material that can have a wide range of uses in the hotel and catering industry.

Types of acrylic aquariums and how they can be customised to measure

There are several types of acrylic aquariums. Depending on the size of the animals and the place where the aquarium is going to be located, we can talk about specific models for shellfish, fish, cetaceans or other species that can have different types of sizes, especially if they are for zoos. Other examples are fish hatcheries and bivalve purifiers, which are larger products that can house a wide range of marine species and therefore require the use of larger sheets, especially if they are used in fish farms.

Custom-made acrylic aquariums are only made by specialised professionals such as those at Polimertecnic. Depending on the needs, design products can be made with specific dimensions that will adapt to the space, the number of aquatic animals and the required needs. Polimertecnic’s professionals carry out a study and analysis of the place and space where it is going to be built, as well as providing information on the measurements that may be of interest to the client in order to design the right product for the client.

It should be taken into account that acrylic plastic can be worked on according to the desired measurements and dimensions. The professionals at Polimertecnic provide information on the possibilities and recommendations that may be of interest and the type of design required to achieve a specific adaptability to the type of aquarium desired.

Ask for a quote for your custom made acrylic aquarium

Polimertecnic employs the best professionals specialised in the production of custom-made acrylic aquariums. All of them have ample training and experience to work with this material and offer the most suitable quality guarantee to achieve an efficient and long-lasting product. Through a specific study of the dimensions of the space where the aquarium is to be installed and taking into account the client’s needs, it is advisable to assess the possibilities offered by acrylic plastic.

Ask for a no obligation quote at Polimertecnic to have your acrylic aquarium made to measure. The prices offered are competitive, taking into account that the product to be obtained is of the highest quality.

The professionalism of our workers guarantees safety and efficiency at all times for the production and installation of the aquarium. In addition, the attention is close and professional, with the aim that you can have a high quality product that meets the desired expectations.