
At Polimer Tecnic we continually investigate in order to offer and collaborate on large innovative projects and new challenges.

Swimming pools & aquariums

Nowadays, thanks to its great resistance, transparency, optical quality, warmth to the touch, safety and lightness, acrylic replaces glass when used in swimming pools and aquariums.

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Architectural projects

At Polimer Tecnic we manufacture all kinds of flat and curved elements of any thickness and dimension, as well as all shapes and designs… for swimming pools, aquariums, transparent tanks, cylinders, rectangles, terrariums, zoos and museums.

Of all sizes, shapes and designs… At PT Polimer Tecnic we offer you a wide variety of plastic materials for swimming pools and aquariums: Acrylic (vitroflex, plexiglas, lucite, altuglass), foamed pvc (Kömaprint, Ongrofoam), PETG or polycarbonate (makrolife, lexan, makrolon).

Contact us and we will advise you on the most suitable material according to your needs.

Plexiglass pools

The world of swimming pools has been revolutionized with the appearance of transparent windows and overflowing walls in acrylic, which has determined a great advance in the design of these applications. The archaic, greenish and fragile glass has been replaced by the acrylic pools of high molecular weight.

Polimer Tecnic is one of the pioneers in the manufacture of acrylic in Spain, starting in 1957 with its Gerundense de Plastics factory. Currently it exports technology to all continents and manufactures special plates for all types of realizations. Large dimension pieces, curved acrylic, acrylic cylinders, acrylic tanks, overflowing walls in swimming pools, underwater windows, portholes, etc.

His experience in transparent bottoms of boats and windows, in immersion in boats and submarines give us a great experience in this sector.

In addition to practically imperceptible gluing, which allows reaching large amplitudes in transparent pool walls, the versatility of acrylic offers the possibility of curving them, creating unique designs.

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Applications of Plexiglass swimmingpools

Materials for this type of application: PMMA blocks, TECNODECK.

Our development team will be able to advise you on transparent acrylic pools, offering you the best construction solutions.

Swimming pools have always been one of the most requested constructions in the last decade. Constructive solutions in plastic have determined a great advance in the design of these applications since previously with glass a transparent pool could not be carried out.

Polimer Tecnic advises and advises on the solutions that can be made with plastic for this application.

For any other question about transparent acrylic pools, we have qualified technical staff who will provide personalized advice.

Dalí Acrylic Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool Projects with Vitroflex AQ

Infinity infinity pool with underwater windows. Vitroflex AQ methacrylate panels installed as underwater windows and as a pool enclosure with a 90 degree angled chemical bond.

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Solera Swimming Pool

Curved Infinity overflow swimming pool. Project in which a previously thermoformed Vitroflex AQ methacrylate panel is applied in a curve of more than 20 metres in length.

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Acrylic Swimming pool Hotel Girona

Infinity overflow pool with partial enclosure in methacrylate.

Swimming pool with enclosure in Vitroflex AQ methacrylate panels chemically bonded at a 90 degree angle.

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Acrylic pool Hotel Reus

Infinity infinity pool with methacrylate enclosure.

Vitroflex AQ panels chemically bonded to generate the perimeter. Infinity finish overflows the water into a channel with methacrylate enclosure.

Acrylic aquariums

Acrylic is one of the most resistant and durable materials that offer versatility and functionality. It belongs to the group of plastics that are basically obtained through the polymerisation of methyl methacrylate and can be presented in sheets of different sizes depending on the needs.

The professionals at Polimertecnic can produce aquariums and make special designs that adapt to the dimensions and structures designed to house water inside them.

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